Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I've been tagged!

I usually don’t like these "tag" things, but now I'm thinking it might be fun...

If I tagged you here's what you do. Post the words in all caps below and fill in info about yourself. Then, at the end you tell who you are tagging & go and tag 5 friends on their blogs. It's just a way to get to know fun little things about people.

TEN YEARS AGO.....I was a senior in High School completing the last and easiest semester ever. I was a teacher aide for 4 classes. Did my high school really let me do that? Not technically; but my teachers were ok with breaking the rules for little organized me to help them out. I got a 4.0 that semester. That has only happened one other time. Yipee!

1. Rose Park
2. Rose Park
3. Rose Park
4. Salt Lake City, UT (Rose Park)
5. Murray, UT
(sad, I know. GET ME OUT OF THIS STATE!)

FIVE THINGS ON MY TO DO LIST......My daily to do list is currently empty (don’t be impressed, i only had 2 things on there today); so lets go with my "big project" to do list.
1. Finish the basement (well, I’m not doing it, Forrest is. Its still a “to do” though)
2. build a new backyard fence
3. convince my husband that we "need" a new couch
4. make a garden and grow a million tomatoes for canning salsa this year
5. instead of losing weight, try not to gain more than 25lbs.

I ENJOY.... being with my kids and being a stay at home mom. i really wasn’t ever a fan of being someone’s employee, so i love being my own boss (or maybe my boss is really my kids). I also love to eat sweets; pastries, candy, cookies.....I love it all. And i love the feeling I get after i do a good workout. I'm still trying to get to the part where I enjoy the workout, but at least the end result is nice. And i absolutely love to read teenage romance novels and fairytales. Scott Westerfeld is my new favorite author. There isn’t anything that i have read of his that I don’t like. He's "fawesome".

1. i bite the inside of my cheek when I'm bored
2. i pick at the skin around my thumb when i am bored
3. i eat when i bored.
I have to keep myself occupied each day or I will look like a fat leper.

1. I’m looking forward to burning my maternity clothes.
2. I’m afraid of mold. The laundry has to be completely dry in order for me to take it out of the dryer, the shower curtain needs to remain closed after a shower so it can dry without mold infesting the creases if it were open, towels need to be washed very often, the stoppers in sippie cups need to be dry before inserting them in the lid…..I’m anal about preventing mold growth.
3. I’m a terrible listener. i usually have so many thoughts rolling around in my head that i have a hard time detaching from them to listen to someone else.
4. I love organization. I'm a total fan for plastic bins, folders, and labels. i like everything to be in its place and tidy (but that rule doesn’t always apply to closets--especially when the door is closed).
5. I love when people play my hair. ssooooooo relaxing. if i could hire someone to play with my hair for an hour each day i would be a very happy (and probably poor) woman.

1. cashier/taffy maker at the trolley taffy station. (fattened up on candy and pop)
2. housekeeper/helper (I will forever hate ironing b/c of this job)
3. Clerk at ZCMI department store (lost weight and bought tons of clothes)
4. Registrar at IHC Instacare (decided that i loved antibacterial hand gel)
5. Administrative Assistant at Utah Heart Clinic (finally, a real job!)

I'm tagging: Jennie, Ali (yes, you've both been re-tagged), Tristin, Michelle, Liz and Brianne.


Liz said...

Ha ha ha! Fat leper!!! You're hilarious. You'll never look fat. Ever. I loved this tag. It was highly amusing. Good luck with that to do list of yours! :)

P.S. If I'm the Liz you've tagged, you should know I've already done this tag. :( I'm working on another one I've been tagged with, though.

Suzette said...

Thanks Ember! This was hilarious, this is why I like these tag things. They are very insightful.

Arnell Family said...

What the...? You mean that I have to do this too? YIKES! You don't want to know my darkest secrets - it is a little scary! Although, I must admit, your responses are very entertaining! You are such a fun person! I love it!