Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Oh Jonah.....

I was getting ingredients out the other day for making soup and when i went to get the bouillon cubes that i had set out, i noticed that one of them had been unwrapped and was missing. I'm pretty sure that Jonah thought it was candy and decided to eat it. I really wish i could have seen the look on his face when he hit the salt instead of sweet. He probably liked it.


provobaileys said...

That would have been a picture worth a thousand words. I can't stop laughing, that is just so funny.

Unknown said...

They mnke them look just like candy. I'm sure all of our children tried them.

scott said...

Abe wouldn't believe me once that they weren't candy. So I gave him one to teach him a lesson. He taught me a lesson and he tries to eat them all the time.

Forrest and Jennie said...

(That looks like your counter top at your Murray house.) Cole loves salt too - I think they get it from your mom.