Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Family outing

We decided to go to Snowbird on a little family outing a few days ago. We rode the tram up to the top of the mountain expecting to have a little family hike and picnic. But, mother nature had other intentions and decided to snow us out. That's right. Snow! Well, hail actually, and lightening. It wasnt too fun to walk through, but it was an adventure anyway. So we ate our PB&J sandwiches in the "warming hut" at the top of Snowbird while we waited for the tram to take us back to safety. Then we enjoyed some of the festivites that Snowbird offered--Alpine slide, bouncing cage for the kids, and an awesome autumn colored landscape.


Brianne said...

I cannot believe that it hailed on you up there. That's crazy. I guess ready or not, and I'm the later, Winter is on it's way. I'm glad you had fun.

Shannon said...

Looks like an awesome time! I can't beleive that it hailed on you- I am just not ready for the weather to turn yet! The fall colors look like they were incredible.

Arnell Family said...

How much fun! You are my hero for venturing out on a hike being 20 months prego! Way to go!