Thursday, June 19, 2008

So thats why you're supposed to secure shelves to the wall....

Yup, our little buff Toby was trying to get a toy from the top shelf. The toy, however wasnt willing to budge so Toby used all his strength (or maybe determination) to pull that toy off, and that good 'ole cheap shelf came tumbling down. It didnt even phase Tobin that he just pulled it down. He just stood there and watched (luckily he wasnt in the way so the shelf didnt fall on him). As soon as the shelf has fallen, and the toys settled in their mangled spot, Toby took the toy he was trying so desperately hard to retrieve. One block.


Brianne said...

Our little gusy is a monkey, so I'm afraid that he will be like Tobin here and try to get that one toy that is so important....Once they have their mind on something there is no stopping them!

Shannon said...

That is awesome! I am so glad that my child isn't the only one that does little things like that! Kids are seriously one-track minded. They get an idea in their heads- and that's what has to happen- come hell or highwater. Pretty funny!

Liz said...

Woah, Tobin little dude, lay off the steroids! :)